So I just took a personality analysis at my new favorite website --->
Below are my highly sophisticated results: (and a few personal additions)
You have a high degree of talent, but are frustrated by a lack of opportunities to fully express yourself which causes you to post random facts in the bathrooms of Alpha Phi. Subconsciously, you are angry about this, but have learned to suppress your urges to alternately pull all the hair out of one side of your head and binge on lemon pound cake or apples and peanut butter. You are principled, but feel that high standards in design are more important than high standards in personal hygiene (except not). You look younger than your age, but sometimes lie about it anyway...and pretend to be 21. You are a brilliant multi-tasker, but you frequently over-commit to the point of temporary insanity. You try to blame others for this, but no one believes you (HAHAHA). The aspect of your personality you love the most is your optimism. You have a passionate but unresolved relationship with paper, which requires further investigation. Dead On.
I sent the website my photo. I am anxiously awaiting the results of my photo analysis...
{DISCLAIMER: If you want to take this test you have to register on the site. Then click on "quiz" in the upper right corner.}