I officially hate my computer. Although I am scared to type that, because I think it will find out and then find more ways to be mean to me. What it forgets is that when push comes to shove, I will shove it out a window. Ha. Beat that.
The good news is I got the okay from M & D to get a fabulous, new, white, beautiful, compact, pillar of efficiency and design for Christmas. Yes, a MacBook. Megan has always had one, and J just bought one. And they truly are as good as the commercials claim. The roommates and I are soon to be a little MacFamily. We can iChat. And play with our widgets together.
But until Christmas, I am typing away at this virus-ridden, noise-making, slow-moving, missing-a-F4-key, gray, beast of a computer. And in addition to typing, I am backing up files. All the music and papers and photos and layouts are going to have to find a new home. Which is cool. For them. But secretly, it is also cool for me...because I get to reorganize my folders. And label all my photos. And delete unwanted documents.
Sort of like Spring Cleaning for my hard-drive. Minus the Swiffer Duster. Plus the Recycle Bin.