Held a spider funeral tonight.
Well, if you want to get technical, I squished a spider with a paper towel. Then I got scared that the spider had survived the smashing. So I duct taped him into his final resting place.
This was after Michelle and Jenny were going to hit him with a shoe. And also after we decided that wasp nest spray, with powers mighty enough to shoot 20 feet into the air, might be better suited for outdoor use. Also after the following conversation:
M: We could hit it with hairspray.
J: Will it kill it?
E: Well, it's not going to not kill it.
J: So it will kill it then?
E: I mean, it's not going to make him more alive.
M: No, it might, one time I sprayed one and it ran faster.
E: Maybe it will make it just stick there.
J: Like a spider web?
R.I.P. Great Ugly Spider. Glad your dying seconds were filled with our genius.