Hopefully you have seen enough big Europe mosaics. I created those by uploading my photos to flickr and then using a mosaic maker application. Very simple. Very fantastic. And flickr is awesome. So much to see there.
I recommend listening to Ingrid Michaelson. Mostly because whenever I am online I have her myspace page open. And I listen to her five singles. Over and Over and Over. I seriously need to do some iTunes purchasing. But for now, this works.
To touch, I have my Europe Album on the Road. You can pretend you are paging though it.
You can see a few of the pages. It turned into a scrapbook in the literal sense. I love it. Without it, I would have saved all those ticket stubs and flyers and everything would be sitting on my desk. Until the day I got annoyed and threw it all away. This way, it stays in my life as something other than junk.
You are on your own in the taste department.