Congrats to lily! The random number generator picked 62 and that was you. And your most fantastic prize is a collection of my favorite things from 2007. I am still in the process of remembering what they are... but I know for sure in your box of fun will be a copy of Eat, Pray, Love, labels from Paper Source, some van Gogh images, Fiber One granola bars and bookrings. Get Excited and email me ([email protected]) your address.
I am glad you enjoyed the mini tutorial. It took every bit of concentration to write. I so rarely THINK about my process. I so rarely try to EXPLAIN what I do. Good experiment.
It was also cool to see how many people love minibooks and make them / want to try them. I am thinking about starting a little paper adventure in '08. I would love it if you would join me.
Here is the thought:
Make a mini book. And I mean minibook in the most liberal sense of the word. If you have a stack of index cards you can do this. If you have one of those little steno notebooks you can do this. If you are a boy, you can do this. If you (and this one is the real clincher) have access to a computer you can do this. I have some readers (including my girls who are probably wondering what happened to the person who used to write about going to the 9oh) who are not scrapbookers and my message to you is: YOU PEOPLE CAN DO THIS.
Because here is the thing. I will help you.
And while I have no patience, I have passion. And last I checked, passion trumps patience.
Every week of 2008, I will post a prompt. Or maybe an image. Or maybe a funny joke. Or maybe a (you fill in the blank).
And then you, should you accept this mission, can use that as stimulation and inspiration to make a "page" about YOU and YOUR THOUGHTS for your mini book. And please remember, your "minibook" might be a word document. Or a cocktail napkin. Or the coolest, "scrapiest" thing anyone has ever seen.
Anyone interested? I promise good times, strong drinks and hopefully, if we are lucky, a fantastic little CAPSULE of YOU during the upcoming year.
Have a Fantastic Friday. I will see you on the flip side.