I could not sleep last night. At all. Not even a little bit for at least three hours. Turns out I miss you a lot when it is just me in this apartment. Perhaps I am not the best candidate for Operation : Live Alone. Perhaps I am the worst candidate for that task.
I miss you.
I got lost last night coming home from the airport. Which we should have know would happen. We should have know that if there was not a big arrow that announced "Elise Blaha, Go This Way!" There was no way I could just "figure it out" as we had hoped. I couldn't call you, so I just circled back to the airport and got directions from an 80-year-old airport sheriff. Which was sort of the next best thing to you. I guess.
We get an exceptionally large amount of junkmail. Collecting it all in one day is not as exciting as one would hope.
I should also mention that I am currently trying my hardest to save our plant which when I walked it last night was gasping for breath. Or water. Or sunlight. I am providing it will all three and it looks like it is getting some of its color back. I will keep it around for you to call time of death if things take another turn for the worst.
This morning I will go on a mission to see the geese. Our baby geese who must for sure be adult geese with babies of their own by now. I will of course tell them hello for you. And try to convince them the benefits of staying together as a family unit.
You are the best. I miss you. Come home soon.
Love, Elise