I like the idea that even when you are invisible, you still leave a mark. You leave footprints. Or fingerprints. Or hand prints. You still exist when you're invisible. But I don't like the idea that when you are invisible it's easy to think what you say or do doesn't matter. You don't feel connected to your actions and therefore don't worry how they are representing you. It's easy to be be hurtful when you're anonymous.
I think people and actions should be seen. Thoughts should be given a voice shared. I love non-anonymous and visible connections. I would rather be seen & heard.
I was all over the place with my plan for this challenge. At first I liked the idea of still leaving a mark when you're invisible. I traced and stitched my hand into paper. Then I took a photo of my hand print in the snow. I thought about continuing the trend and leaving hand prints on different surfaces but decided it wasn't needed to get the point across. In the end I made a digital collage by layering the photo and a scan of the stitched hand. I wrote and scanned in my thoughts and called it done.
Kal, no doubt, has something fabulous to share for this challenge. Are you playing along? If you are, please post what you made to the flickr group. Tomorrow's prompt is COINCIDENCE. We'll be back then.