This is where we live.
I talked originally about making this room black and white themed. But then the lamp I wanted sold out. And the rug I loved was too small. And slowly, the room became yellow. (Which means I can cross off number 16.)
The furniture is the same as what we had in Maryland. That rug is Ikea. The lamp was a wedding gift from Crate&Barrel.
I pulled frames that were in all different rooms of our old apartment to change up the photo wall above the couch. I stuck with mostly yellow photos & added two wedding pictures. The ampersand is from Anthropologie.
I found this quote here recently and loved it. I formatted it and had it printed into a small poster.
On the opposite side of the window is a heart poster from here.
Our engagement book is the only scrapbook/mini album I have ever had on display. It's my favorite and very simple which is why it made the cut.
The light bulb and gray vase were clay projects Paul and Kristen (his sister, my friend) made in ceramics class in high school. We found them in Paul's room in Sacramento this spring and I love having them out. The blue and orange vases as well as the "vino" carafe are Crate&Barrel. The frame is super old and I think from Target.
Our DVDs hide out under the shelf that was built up to house the air conditioning. I love the extra storage space and surface it provides.
When we moved, we decided to get rid of cable (previously we had Comcast) because we never sat down to watch live TV and instead just DVRed our shows. Now we have a MacMini hooked up to our TV and watch everything via hulu & Come fall, we'll watch football on espn360. So far we love it. And after a few months without cable bills, the mini will have paid for itself. Plus, I love checking email on a big TV screen.
And that's it. This is our main room - for dinner and TV and folding laundry and video game playing and crafts spread all over the floor. I'm happy with it.
I'll be sharing the rest of our apartment as I make progress!