A couple days ago, I was asked in the comments what my days are like. None of my days are really the same. They change a lot based on Paul's schedule or if I have any really important projects to take care of. But this is one of them. It's Wednesday, to be specific.
8:15ish // awake to no alarm. Paul was on call last night, so he slept (or more than likely didn't sleep) at the hospital. I check email and twitter from bed on my iPhone. Supposedly, that is the worst thing you can do for your stress level, but whatevs. Emails for me usually mean comments or sales or funny notes from friends. What's stressful about that? So I do it. (And love it.)
8:30 // coffee maker on, cereal served. At the computer to respond to emails/blog comments, pack an order from yesterday & read about half the blogs that updated during the night. (I am still on google reader but am thinking about making the switch to bloglovin.)
9:15 // look over my to do list. Since January, I have been keeping track of my daily to do lists in Moleskine color a month planners. (Looks like they are already selling 2012.) Can't do much until the art store opens and the UPS man drops off the last item I need for my spring kit. So I back up files.
9:25 // and then I work on finishing February for my 2011 album.
10:00 // still finishing up the February section.
10:45 // to the art store. I am so lucky to live very close to such an amazing store. There is about zero chance that I'll ever be this close to one again so I go a couple times a week just because I can. I pick up a piece of map paper and clay for a future project.
11:05 // with the map paper, I finish up a custom travel minibook that I made for a lady in Australia. (hi Marianne!) I realize that the extra paper can go towards a few more city mini kits. I have enough supplies for two, so I make & I re-list them.
I should mention that throughout the day I am listening to Pandora and checking email & twitter intermittently. My laptop is nearly always open and my gmail notifier dings when I get emails. Hence, my (usually) lightening fast email response time.
11:25 // Paul calls. He's ready to get picked up. Since we moved to San Diego, we have been living with just one car and we sort of love it. I drive him to work on days that I need the car (we live about 5 minutes from the hospital) and he takes it on days I don't.
11:50 // we're home. I eat a sandwich at my computer and read blogs. Paul has cereal and tries to stay awake to catch up online himself. (He got two hours of sleep last night while on call.)
12:00 // we freak out a bit over the new iPad2. It's on my list. But first I need a new computer. We're ordering it tonight before I throw my four year old MacBook out the window for moving. so. slowly.
12:10 // Paul takes a nap. While I was out and about, the UPS man dropped off the package I was waiting for so I start cutting down covers. I take a few photos of a complete kit, edit them and get up the spring minibook kit listing.
12:45 // I start building kits while watching last night's Biggest Loser online.
2:00 // finish the Biggest Loser while playing with clay... I am hoping to work clay into a new 26 Projects idea.
2:30 // put the clay in the oven to bake. Prep spring kit/ranunculus photo print post for tomorrow. (I type up and schedule most of my blog posts the day before they run.)
3:00 // clean up my office area & kitchen. Pack orders that have come in during the afternoon.
3:30 // get totally sucked into the trap that is flickr, pinterest & twitter and back to flickr, pinterest & twitter.
4:00 // Paul is still asleep. I go downstairs to our apartment's shared gym for a 3.5 mile run. I have new running shoes and my feet are slowing getting used to them. I never thought I would get to the point that I actually enjoy running and don't just do it for the calorie burn, but happily, I am getting there.
4:45 // home. I stretch and read the mail. Paul's awake. We chat, sign up for this new investment plan that I called USAA about yesterday and ... buy my new macbook pro! I am so excited to have a new computer. I needed it. The blog design workshop needed it. :)
5:20 // shower.
5:40 // we have leftovers from Sunday and we reheat them for dinner. For a veggie, we cook up some brussel sprouts. While eating, we watch Castle. It's a good one.
6:30 // start our Netflix movie, Despicable Me. Cute but not my favorite.
8:00 // put in a load of laundry & clean the kitchen. Check twitter & blogs. Add to tomorrow's to do list.
10:00 // in bed. Paul's out as soon as his head hits the pillow. I read a bit and probably fall asleep close to 11:30.
And that's that. Sort of boring. But all mine.