I cannot figure out if this pillow idea came to me in a dream or if I saw it while scanning blogs sometime last week. But the pattern and color scheme was very set in my head before I even entered a fabric store.
It's different than the colors I am usually drawn to, that is for sure.
It took much longer than it should have because I was unsure of how to make the stripes do what I wanted to. Because of this, I don't have step by step photos. Also because of this, my stripes are far from perfect and don't measure up quite right.
But what ended up working best was cutting the fabric into strips and then sewing them in a repeating pattern so the ends were like stairsteps.
Once I had my "striped" fabric piece, I sewed another one and then sewed the edges with the stairsteps together so the stripes lined up and formed a "V" down the center of the pillow. It became much more complicated than intended, (and very wrinkly - yikes!) but I am happy with the result.
Instead of using one full piece of fabric for the backside, I used two and hemmed the edges. I pinned the pieces together to form one piece and sewed the front and the back together. After I removed the pins, I had a pocket to slide the pillow insert into. I might need to add a little button to the back to keep it together, but for now it's working well.
Hmmm, maybe I'll get a complete tutorial together for this project ... :)
I am attempting to tackle 26 personal craft projects before I turn 27 on 02.22.12. You can follow my progress here on the blog, on pinterest or on flickr.