Hooray! More progress! I talk about this a bit at the beginning of the video, but I want to mention it again : I am putting no emphasis on "daily updates" to this album. Whatever says "SUMMER" (in all caps) gets in. And whatever doesn't say "SUMMER" stays out. This is keeping the pressure off and this project fun. Keep in mind, there are a million ways to collect a season in a book, this one just works for me.
I ended up building the last couple pages shown above on video to walk you through the process. Spoiler alert : I made (and make) a few errors during production and show you how I work around them.
real time book update from elise blaha on Vimeo.
Hoping to do some fun stuff and get another video update together by the end of the week.
New to this project? Check out this page for alllll the summer book information you never knew you wanted.