The King's Speech / late to the party much? We finally watched this last week and I was enthralled. I thought it was stunningly beautiful. The direction, the acting, the story. I was so into it I forgot where I was. Hell, I forgot who I was. I loved it. In the worlds of Leslie Knope, "I cannot over-hype it enough."
Parks & Recreation / speaking of Leslie Knope and being late to the party. Not sure why it took me so long to jump on this train, but I'm on now and holding on for dear life. I haven't been this committed to watching a show on a loop since Arrested Development (which is obviously the greatest show ever). / image via
The Help / adored this book. And I'm excited that it's going to be a movie. I usually love watching good books become movies. I think I'll see this one as a matinee by myself once we get Paul shipped off. I'm also excited about seeing Midnight in Paris, Page One & of course, the Harry Potter finale. (Luckily Paul will still be in town for that one.) Another sidenote : I love Kindle books on the iPad. I know it's not for everyone, and I certainly didn't think it was for me, but turns out - totally is. I'm hooked for life.
Anything else I should be obsessed with? Books? Movies? Shows? I'm going to have seven months of free time that needs to get filled up...