Okay. So this is up there on the Not Too Exciting list. But I've got a long way to go to get to 26 projects by February so we're rolling with it.
I never use a camera strap. Ever. In general, I only use my big camera around the house so it's never in harms way. But, before we left for vacation, I decided that I should attach the strap to make carrying it around easier. And then I made the executive decision that the strap needed to get fancy.
Enter : The Only Fabric I Ever Seem To Use. Green and white striped decor weight fabric. It can also be seen inside the trunk, on the couch pillows and as box covers at my craft shows. Good times.
Like it always does, it seemed perfect for this project. I cut a piece that was about 4x22 inches and machine stitched it right on top of the original Canon strap with a heavy duty needle.
Again, nothing too exciting, but certainly an improvement. And it's already helping me use the camera more so check plus to that.
I am attempting to tackle 26 personal craft projects before I turn 27 on 02.22.12. You can follow my progress here on the blog, on pinterest or on flickr.