FRIDAY : wake up at 7:30 after a rough nights sleep. too much anticipation for Paul to get home and way too much HTML code in my head, I think. cereal & blueberries for breakfast. get right back to work on the new blog design. more progress! am a fan of how it is starting to come together. and I think I've got a way to tie it into the web redesign too. clean the house like a crazy person - bathrooms and vacuuming too. watch the season premiere of Project Runway. am interested. but not interested enough to keep watching through the judges deliberation. realize I have not watched the actual "you're in and you're out" scene since the show switched from Bravo to Lifetime. go down to the gym and run 2.25 miles. slowly getting back on the running horse. terrified that I have committed to another half. back upstairs for a shower. make lunch : egg scramble & cottage cheese. deal with emails. make dough for cinnamon pull apart bread. go to the post office while dough is rising. come home and work on next step of cinnamon bread and get it in the oven. do some computer work. change the sheets on the bed. pull bread out of the oven. looks amazing. photograph (for 40 loaves project) and try a piece. heaven. back to the computer. go for a long walk around the neighborhood. pick up a hamburger from Burger Lounge on the walk home. (see, it's not all fruit and healthy food around here.) eat dinner and get a text from Paul that he'll more than likely be missing his connecting flight due to the failure that is American Airlines. can't even get upset about this bump in the road which is alarming. am now so accustomed to the endless SNAFUs. watch some tv. dream about new hairstyles. get a call from Paul that he is indeed stuck in Dallas overnight and the best they can do is get him to LAX early tomorrow morning. feel awful for him. make plans to pick him up there. type this post and then will fall into bed exhausted.
and that wraps up my week in the life! I am still planning on putting these photos and words into some sort of album. I have an idea for it, but I'm not sure if it's going to work. I have more thoughts on this project that I'll be sharing eventually, but for now... I just want tonight to be over and to be with Paul. I have a few posts scheduled for next week so check back.
have a great weekend.