WEDNESDAY : wake up @ 8:00. breakfast of oatmeal, banana and honey. social media check. get dressed for Bar Method. drive to 9am class. drive home. take a shower. take photos of a minibook and work on some blog posts for next week. put together some fall books (coming in mid-August). make lunch : sandwich + greek yogurt with honey and blueberries. realize the reason I have had a headache all day is probably because I forgot to have coffee. become frustrated because if I drink coffee past noon I won't sleep. film a very important video for a fun upcoming project. spend a few hours editing the video. after much frustration, learn a few tricks on iMovie that make me feel like a professional. remember quickly that I am far from professional. get an email from The Goodness with my recent "headshots." stop everything to look at the photos. blush like a crazy person, but smile like one too. prep a new post for tomorrow morning with a few of the images. take a break from the computer, eyes are starting to cross. change over my big wall calendar to August and start planning posts for next month. walk downstairs to grab the mail. cook dinner. it's what I like to call, "pasta with whatever I can find in the kitchen." tonight that means, noodles with a bit of butter, salt, pepper, olive oil, basil, tomatoes, almonds and blue cheese. super tasty. read some blogs, visit pinterest and watch more Arrested Development. decide to bake something. the stars align and we have everything for these strawberry lemon bars. follow directions exactly but they turn out odd looking. still tasty though. upload photos and type this post.