developing a completely new skincare routine.
accepting that this next half marathon may involve a good amount of power-walking.
sending cards to Paul almost daily.
writing emails, workshop lessons & articles.
wearing new boots that are just perfect.
lamenting the fact that I left my big camera at home because while it's a hassle, it's worth it for the photos.
enjoying long talks with mom & dad.
dreaming about the road trip down the California coast we are taking as soon as Paul returns.
returning to healthier eating after four days without routine.
celebrating an engagement annoucement by a sweet friend.
planning on baking this (sans a ton of the sugar) today.
embracing the curls.
drinking coffee that's just a drop of cream away from being black.
loving the shift in the weather that is more noticeable up north.
ps. I am always going to be all about the orange & gray.