The past few months can be summed up in a lot of "still-life" photos (mostly of craft projects, brussels sprouts and running shoes). My life was full, but in a completely different way than it is now.
I love these photos that my dad snapped at dinner last night for their candid-ness. It's the details : Paul covering his mouth - which is his go-to "shocked" face. His arm on the back of my chair. A full table of wine glasses. Me telling the chef I had "@-ed" him on twitter and then him pulling his phone out to say "OH! So this is you..."
We had a fantastic dinner up in Sacramento last night at The Kitchen. It's an experience and a half and one we'd been waiting a long time for. It's awesome to have a little bit of the night saved. It's even more awesome that our families are good friends and that a dinner with all of us together is easy and comfortable.