Unless otherwise stated, all words and photos on this blog are my own. If you use a photo, please link back to this site to provide credit. Under no circumstances, should the text of this blog be copied and re-posted elsewhere unless you have permission from me to do so. I do not have the capacity to monitor comments so they are closed. You can always get in touch via email elise AT gettoworkbook.com
This is a for profit blog. I use affiliate links for shops and products that I love on the sidebars and in posts as well as on my other social media sites (like Pinterest and Instagram). If you purchase a product through an affiliate link, I receive a small commission. Occasionally I will receive products free of charge or be paid to share about products and services here. This will be clearly noted and please know that when I am writing about something the words and opinions expressed are always my own. Review my full privacy policy here.
Thank you so much for reading.