This cowl got away from me. I mean really. It's longer than I am...folded in half. I am not sure how or why the measurements are screwed up. But I adore it. It represents my first foray into creative knitting and fancy yarn and circular needles. Plus it looks rad and feels cozy wrapped around my neck five times.
To get the "stripes" of color, I just changed yarn every row - alternating between gray and light teal.
p.s. Thanks Paul for the photos. I knew I wanted you home for a reason. ;)
p.p.s. This is why I could never be a style blogger. I can't pose to save my life. My "photo plan" is to tell Paul to shoot 100 shots. I then run away from him, turn around and run back crossing my fingers for some gems.
This is project 1 of 27. I am attempting to complete 27 craft projects using 27 different materials before I turn 28 on 02.22.13. You can follow my progress here on the blog or on pinterest. Birthday challenges are my favorite. You can see the 26 Projects I completed while 26 here and the 27 materials I have used so far here.