drinking lots of tea.
appreciating this article on making a marriage work.
watching old Parks & Recreation episodes.
laughing at The Mindy Project.
eating one giant batch of spaghetti all week long.
willing the last of the tomatoes to turn red.
waiting anxiously for The Casual Vacancy to arrive.
prepping to sell stamps at the Queen Bee Market at the end of October.
opening the windows at night.
sleeping in the middle of the bed while Paul is out of town.
remembering what it's like to be alone.
brainstorming on something new.
wearing shorts while it's still warm.
considering embarking on a "daily project" this holiday season.
making lists, always making lists.
feeling tired, but too restless to sleep well.
getting a lot of writing done and blog posts planned.
loving that there are four quilts in my head right now (more on this later).
having insane dreams about oceans & waves.
listening to the new Mumford & Sons album.
crying over this extended trailer for Les Miserables.
turning into one big goosebump in excitement for that film.
acknowledging the differences between this year and last.
flipping the calendar to October a few days early.
enjoying the quiet.
thankful for so many things.
joining Ali Edwards today & sharing a piece of my story right now.