Yesterday I shared the things that made 27 special and today it's the moments. I added to and adjusted this list over a period of a few days. It always makes me a bit weepy to think back and this year was no exception. So much change. So much good. Here are 27 favorite moments from the past year that came to mind.
launching myself at Paul for the first time in seven months.
when we started really clicking as a couple again post-deployment.
waking up to 100 stamp sales that first day.
people watching over cocktails at the Ace Hotel in Palm Springs.
turning cartwheels and having Paul show me "ninja rolls" in the dark on the beach one night after too many beers.
screaming along to "We Are Young" by Fun. at a friend's wedding.
seeing the beginnings of my first tomato.
eating my first backyard tomato with salt & pepper and realizing that "Surprise! I like tomatoes!"
watching the Olympics with Paul and coming up with drinking games to make the best of the awful commentary.
sharing my secret about the Seafoam kit.
reuniting with my college girlfriends for a crazy fantastic wedding.
having dinner with our best friends in DC (twice!)
sitting at a coffee shop in Little Italy and realizing we had to get back to San Diego, no matter what.
seeing a plus sign on a pregnancy test.
realizing I was no longer waking up nauseous in the mornings and that food sounded good again.
seeing our tiny baby's heart beat for the first time.
every single run of my mile a day challenge.
reading aloud to Paul from "The History of Everything."
finding out that our baby is a girl like I "knew" all along.
having Paul feel kicks from the baby through my stomach.
(if I am being honest, every single nudge and kick from the baby girl over the past six weeks would make this list. I cannot describe the magic of feeling her move.)
learning that baby girl is most likely just fine after it was recommended we get a level II ultrasound.
that night on the beach watching the magic sky.
opening escrow on the house of our dreams.
holding Paul tightly the night before he left.
last Monday, on my walk, when I was overwhelmed with joy about what's next.