Today I am writing this post from bed - on the actual day the post goes live. I wanted it to reflect the moment. This moment.
Today I am surrounded by boxes. Our house is packed up and waiting to move. I am packed up and waiting to move.
Today I am dealing with hoopla surrounding the Escrow closing. I have realized closing on a house is much like joining the circus only with less organization (on their part) and more hoops to jump through (on my part).
Today I will remind myself over and over to focus on the big picture. This hassle, these delays and this mess are so small compared to the final result. Someday, I'll look back and if not laugh, at least smile and shake my head.
Today I know we'll get there.
Today I felt baby girl roll around. I felt her kick. I felt her dance to a beat I cannot yet hear. Per usual, I teared up. It's overwhelming to feel so much love for something so tiny and for someone I have yet to know.
Today I will go to the doctor for my final appointment before we move. We'll see the baby and check her growth. My mom is with me and so today she'll see her first grandbaby and her first real ultrasound. That's pretty cool.
Today I will talk with Paul via FaceTime. This is birthday #2 in a row we've been separated by deployment. That's hard. So hard. But seeing him and hearing him makes it better. Today is another day we have to take one a time.
Today I am celebrating a birthday. I am happy to be reaching this age. I am tired and overwhelmed, but I am so looking forward to a new year. I am so looking forward to what is next.
Today I am 28.