The past few days, I have made a point to take photos from the time when I wake up until when I sit at my computer to start working. This is usually about a 45 minute time period.
I wake up without an alarm, usually between 6:10 and 7:15. I am loving the early rise because it means I am tired at 10pm.
Our sheets are white. Last fall, I had a big moment where I just knew once we were having a baby we'd need white sheets. I couldn't imagine anything but white sheets. At the time, I didn't know I was pregnant already. A few weeks ago, I was hit by the urge again and bought some fairly inexpensive organic cotton ones at Target. They're soft and white. Just like I wanted.
I usually check Instagram from bed and encourage myself to wake up fully. I notice the pretty light in the bedroom. Paul's gotten more than a few emails with photo attachments of these windows and curtains.
The baby stirs as I get out of bed. She feels me make that big first move and it rolls her from whatever happy place she was currently occupying. My belly changes shape drastically in those first few minutes - from rectangle to trapezoid to triangle to oval. I say a silent prayer of thanksgiving for her and her movement. This will be repeated over and over and over again throughout the day.
I enjoy my cereal - still that nut granola - by the big windows and do more Internet & blog catch up. I've recently decreased again how many blogs I follow and I've noticed that many seem to be on a posting slow-down anyway. What used to take me hours now takes minutes. Ten maybe. I don't know if I feel glad or sad about this.
I make coffee in the Chemex. When Paul was home we made a full pot and drank it all. Now I make about a half pot, drink half and save the rest in the fridge for the next morning. Probably not the most proper way to enjoy fresh coffee, but it's habit and working for me.
I wander the outside for a few minutes to see what's new and how the veggies are doing. My tomatoes are thriving here and there is always tending to be done. My basil not so much. I don't know if I bought the wrong variety this year or if it's just been too hot?
Aside from the ceilings, the best part about this house is the backyard. I never dreamed about so much space. It's quite fun to note the passing of seasons in a new place. I don't know what will bloom or how long it will stay. This first spring and summer feels like slow moving play that I won a ticket to attend, but have heard nothing about.
It's quiet. Very quiet. I don't turn on the TV or any music. I don't say anything. I just realized that now; other than the chirps of birds, it's absolutely silent of noise until I'm at my computer and remember to turn Pandora on. Or until FaceTime rings and it's Paul for our morning chat. But he usually calls closer to 9am.
I am currently wearing the robe I got as a bridesmaid's gift and very little by way of PJs. My belly has made sleeptime attire super annoying and I wake up with my nightgowns in a tangled mess so I've forgone those in favor of comfy bras and underwear. Quite the improvement. I stay in my robe until it's time to change for whatever is on the agenda that morning. This week, so far, it was a Bar Method class and a trip to the post office.
My mornings are slow and savored. They are my absolute favorite time of day.