April blew February and March out of the water. My bold intentions for the month were set and almost met. The bedroom still needs some work, but it will get there. We are closer to having a welcoming space which is the goal. And the baby girl has everything she "needs" for those first few months. This month we'll get the carseat installed, everything washed, the bassinet set up in our bedroom and we'll officially be good to go.
But really though, April. Thank you. I needed you. I hit my stride with the GDM diet and this pregnancy in general. This house feels more like a home thanks to help from my parents and rad in-laws. I have a date and time written in Sharpie in my calendar for when Paul's flight will land in San Diego. It's strange how a month of no chaos or surprises after weeks of nothing but can feel like real live magic.
I had a harder time coming up with action items to focus on this month. May feels like the cusp. It's the end of the beginning (my pre-motherhood days) but at the same time, we're not quite there yet. So goal-setting feels odd. How can I pick three things to appropriately celebrate this time in my life?
Here's what I came up with, so anti-climatic, but sometimes that's okay.
- continue the daily walks...always.
- take more photos.
- wrap up all projects.
- make my bed everyday. (bonus item : I hoping to establish a habit.)
I want to enter June energized and without much on my plate except preparing my body and mind to welcome this baby girl into our lives.
Here we go, May.
And a warm welcome to some returning sponsors and new faces on the right sidebar this month. Thank you for reading and for supporting this blog.