I became hooked on Instagram in fall of 2011. Paul was deployed and I was on a trip to New York with some of my college girlfriends. We were killing time while waiting out Irene, the tropical storm that never hit the city as dramatically anticipated. I had seen people linking to their Instagram photos, but unlike many other social media platforms, it seemed like something you needed an app to use (there was no web side to it at the point) and I was confused.
But many good things on the Internet - gmail, blogging, amazon, twitter, pinterest, tumblrs of animated gifs compiled by new dads - seem confusing at first. Once I was on it, and using it, I was totally hooked.
In December 2011, I turned some of my first Instagram images into photo magnets through Stickygram. They were so rad and have lived on my fridge for nearly two years. When Stickgram contacted me to see if I wanted to order more and share them on the blog I couldn't say yes fast enough - my life has changed very much since Winter 2011 and my fridge magnets might as well reflect that. ;)
I now have 27 awesome photos of my funny family decorating the fridge. It was a challenge to pick a variety of "different" images of the exact same subject (It's still very much the Ellerie Show around here) but I love the variety of colors. I choose photos from the weekend before she was born to two weeks ago and it's fun to see little E growing right before my eyes every time I grab a beer milk.
Super sweet and totally making me happy. Highly recommend. If you want to order a set for yourself, visit Stickygram and use code FRIEND29D9 to save $2 off magnets or $5 off an iPhone photo case. (Please note, If you use the code, I'll receive affiliate credits and be able to add to my obsession collection.)
Have a great weekend...I'll see you on Instagram.