So I attempted project one of four from my autumn DIY list.
I followed the steps outlined here, and found that it was much easier to make progress if I used a big needle to pull and push the yarn around the coiled rope.
The hardest part for me was getting the shape to stay wide - you'll notice it sort of starts to close in towards the top? That subtle closing made it impossible for me to stick one of my 15,000 houseplants inside because their current vessels all flare out towards the top a bit. But no worries, because I, for sure, need another little basket to sit on my shelves and hold keys, headphones and winecorks.
It was fun to experiment with a 3D project like this though and realize how easy the weaving process really is. For this first try, I used rope, yarn and string that I had on hand, but I think this would be fun to try with thick cotton rope for the base and nylon cord for the woven part. I have the technique down now, this just needs finessing. And about 15 hours of netflix tv shows.
Next up is the wooden candle holder.