that BE BRAVE art can be found here. My new office. It's nearly there. Nearly. Nearly. I'm going to need a few more days (currently waiting on stain to dry and trying to settle on where to hang stuff) to finish things up and take photos, but I wanted to share a little back story...
Once upon a time (March 2010) I quit my day job and decided to work full time from home. I had been running all sorts of ventures on the side, but now I was going to throw all of my energy into my blog and my shop and toss a few online workshops in the mix for fun. It worked and I made as much money working for myself as I once had working for others. I was so thrilled.
And so I kept at it. Each year I set more ambitious financial goals and got smarter about how to best manage my time and my expenses. The blog grew and I continued to work hard on my own products and content and I took on some big and small freelance projects.
In March 2013, pregnant with my first kiddo, we moved into our first house and I spent months decorating every room - slowly and deliberately building spaces that were functional and un-cluttered. While the other rooms got fancied-up, the office waited patiently. I wanted to have the baby and then re-evaluate what my job would look like after she arrived.
In June, she was born and my life was turned upside down. But once I caught my breath again (September-ish), I realized that I truly love my job. I am a better mama, wife and person when I am allowing myself to push and stretch professionally. I love writing and making and teaching. I love planning and pricing and photographing. I love dreaming big and executing quickly. I love to work. This creative business is a huge part of who I am.
After nearly four years, I needed a space that reflects that. Don't get me wrong, having good ideas and a solid work ethic is infinitely more important that having the "perfect" space. But I wanted to I kick things up a notch so that my time could be spent creating instead of cleaning, shifting my sewing machine to the floor, packing orders on top of piles and rearranging. When I am done, the office will say "MAKE STUFF" but also, "ENJOY YOUR TIME HERE." Before it said, "I'M DROWNING" and "WHERE DID YOU PUT THAT HOLE PUNCHER?"
I needed a clean and simple room with a layout that works with how my business is run. I needed a surface for my computer/printer (and Paul's) and a surface for my sewing machine. I needed closed storage for supplies and shipping materials. I needed open storage for books and fabric. I needed a long counter for creating and packaging product. I needed filing cabinets for the paperwork that is constantly coming in the door.
I needed a room that worked for me instead of a room where I worked. And after some stress and some lightbulb moments and one emergency phone call to an electrician, I've almost got it. I can't wait to wrap things up and share more here.
And if you're bored on this LONG three day work week...below are a few related posts from me :