So far, I have taken a photo each morning of 2014 and shared on Instagram. This project was not something I thought about much in advance but it's become a simple habit that brings me joy.
Mornings are my favorite time of day. (I have blogged about this before.) I am having fun with this because I love mornings. I've had a few comments along the "I wish I loved mornings" variety and my response to that is "Why?" If you don't love mornings that's no big deal. Don't waste time wishing you love anything and instead think about something you already love and celebrate that. Personally, I would fail miserably at a photo project featuring daily outfits, my hair, lunch, winter or evenings. (Though I totally enjoy following along with anyone who is passionate about and shares those things.)
My daily routine is much different now with the baby. That is for sure. But I wake up to an alarm at 6:15 in order to have some alone time with my coffee and my thoughts (and my iPad) each morning. We are very lucky that currently Ellerie is such an excellent sleeper and right now I am able to get those 45 minutes to an hour.
The interesting part about this project is that my mornings (with one exception this past month) all look the exact same. I get up. I pump (not pictured on Instagram for many, many reasons). I eat breakfast. I read blogs on my iPad. I do not check my email. I pour and reheat my coffee (Paul makes it before he leaves for work). The baby wakes up. I change her. I feed her. We go outside and see what's new in the backyard. We play on the floor of her room while I finish my coffee. Somewhere between 6:15 and 8:00 I snap a photo.
It's the same thing. Every single morning. But the photos are all a little different because finding interesting ways to capture my routine is part of what makes this inpspiring to me. I am so loving this simple creative outlet.