Last weekend was the Queen Bee Market. Thanks for saying hi if you dropped by - so fun to meet a few of you and see familiar faces! It's was so good to get out of my box (as always!) but also a reminder (as always!) that my business is 99.9% online.
(As always!) It was totally fun to play with my booth styling and try out some new products. I am hoping to get those cards into my online shop SOON. But first I need to figure out how I am going to have a normal shop + a make29 shop... we'll see...
In other news, I wrapped up a BIG project which always makes me feel like I lost 5 pounds and got a new haircut (THE JOY! THE RELIEF! THE DISBELIEF!). And then I had a BIG opportunity cross my inbox and I am the perfect amount of nervous and excited about it (it is NOT a product line or a book deal). I'm looking forward to sharing more on that soon.
I hope you have a great weekend. Sunday is Mother's Day! My first one! I'm hugging my little bug tightly, thanking my own mom profusely and getting a massage to celebrate.