I joked awhile back that I am a design one-trick pony. I was sort of kidding and sort of serious. I just really like to stick with what works. This year, that's making invitations out of white cardstock and black ink.
And then it's fancying things up with watercolor (or highlighter).
My friend, veronica, is getting married at the end of August and after I made her bachelorette party invites I signed on to make her shower invites as well. This stuff is so fun to me because there is no expectation or requirements so I just get to play around.
The wedding theme is "colorful Mexican fiesta" and so these are a big nod to the "colorful" but with a bit more feminine colors. I used the same fonts (GeoSansLight & Grand Hotel) as the bachelorette invites and left a lot of space up top for the color.
And then I just got to paint! I painted them while they were still printed four to a sheet (each is 4.25x5.5 so exactly one quarter of a page) and then I trimmed them to size. This is the sort of thing that looks like it took forever but really it was quick and simple.
Like with everything that I do, "lack of perfection" and "commitment to the random idea" are both key. Happy almost wedding, v! We love you! #isitaugust31yet?