see part one, part two and part three!
In mid-April, following this awesome tutorial, I trimmed the leaves off my "leggy" succulent plant in an attempt to propagate (grow tiny new plants) from the cuttings. I am sharing my progress in real time, to give you (and me!) a REAL idea of how long this takes.
I think I am about ready to wrap this project up. The most successful part were the original stalks. There were six and five of them have re-grown florettes that look good (and I expect will continue to grow into mature plants).
The original tops are going to make it, I think. All six of them have shot down roots (when I tried to pull them up from the soil I was met with resistance). They look a little dry here, but some water after taking these photos has perked them back up.
The leaves I am less impressed with. Lots of roots but nothing spectaular in the baby plant department. I'm hanging on to these ones a bit longer just to see if anything develops.
They are all currently outside with my other thriving (store-bought) succulents. The summer sun (and heat!) has been good for them.
Overall : fun experiment. But I am very glad I am not in the succulent growing business. ;)