On Saturday, I posted a photo similar to the one above on Instagram.
The difference was nothing was crossed out in the first photo. I hashtagged it (as you do) with #augustmanifestoisboringbutnecessary and #makeitpublicmakeithappen. (Obviously that second one might have more traction.)
We've been in our house for 1.5 years (already?! OMG.) and the thing about THAT is you start to settle. You get used to the fact that the outlet in the bathroom doesn't work so Paul charges his toothbrush on top of the dresser. You get used to the fact that you absolutely HATE that damn dresser. You get used to the fact that the baby's closet doesn't close properly because THERE IS SO MUCH STUFF packed inside it. You just deal. Because, well, it's normal. This is how it is, right?
One and half years in one place?!! That's basically forever in Cripe Land. In Cripe Land 1.5 years means, "Who cares what's wrong or what's right?! We're on to the next town. On to the next military move. On to the next 'Paul's deployed so Elise will orchestrate this transition as fast as possible.'"
But not this time. We're here. WE. ARE. HERE. (all of us) for another 2.5 years (at least). And so it's about time that I un-capped the Sharpie and started getting serious about this list. Time to get this house "finished" and "settled in a good way."
There are some spaces of our house that I totally adore (this is one and if our chairs did not legit break every time you pulled them out, this would be two and okay, I like the TV space so this is three). But there are other areas that need to get a "fixerup" and August feels like a good time to get a move on.
So...mid-August, hello to you! It's not going to be pretty but it's going to be effective. As you can see from the highlighter and the few photos in this post, I'm making progress. Searching for a new entry table? That sounds like a dream. Finding some sliding door hardware? That sounds like a good job for Paul. Hanging up some palm trees in the bathroom? I'm excited.
Time to get over the 1.5 year slump and shake things up. Who's in?
Yay, little E! We're happy to have you on board.
ps. those instagram photo magnets on our fridge are from sticky9 (formerly stickygram). I'm planning to COVER the fridge before we move. If you want to order some for yourself, use code FRIEND29D9 to save $2 off magnets or $5 off an iPhone photo case. (Please note, If you use the code, I'll receive affiliate credits and be able to add to my obsession collection.)