Setting goals is the easy part. Reaching goals is the fun part. Checking in on your goals? Less fun, but hugely important in actually making progress. I thought it would be good today (since we're just about finished with Q1) to check in on where I'm at with my list of goals from 2015.
MAKE29 is over and done. I'm happy with this project and what I learned. I tried to record a podcast episode sharing what I learned but the "um" count was through the roof and that's no good for anyone. So scratch that until I can get my thoughts in order.
My new birthday project, MAKE&GIVE30, is launched and rolling. I have 5/30 projects complete and 11 months to go. We'll get there.
Get To Work Book .... kadsjflkdasjflkdasjfkljdsaflkjdaslkfjdalskjflkdaj .... we're getting there. We're close. Close, close. It's designed. Sample is on it's way to me soon! Pre-order within the next 10 days unless something goes terribly wrong. Website nearly ironed out. Packaging planned. Marketing scheme planned. Money & spreadsheets obsessed over. Keep your eye on the blog, the newsletter and the Instagram account next week.
Office is fixed and functional. I'm thrilled with my simple clearout from early this year.
House is done. That was a VERY fun one to check off my list. Two years in a "complete" house is something I didn't think I'd have with our military lifestyle.
I "fixed" our garden soil. Basically, I bought a testing kit and checked my soil and it came back as "moderately" okay for all the nutrients. So we added in some organic soil enricher and stirred it up well. Then I heard the excellent point (from a blog commenter, thank you!!) that my soil was probably getting really hot - a common problem in raised beds - so we added some shade (with sunscreen fabric from Lowe's) and I'm hoping that will help.
The backyard is pretty solid. Really, we just need our succulents to keep growing and fill in that hillside. And we'd love to hang cafe lights from the house to the fence. But then I'm going to call it done. We've made good progress back there.
The capsule wardrobe lives on. This is the easiest one of all these goals.
Still shooting my roll a month.
the pizza above? caprese! olive oil and balsamic, chicken, tomatoes, fresh basil, fresh mozzarella and a bit of cheddar.
Doing pretty good with dinners! For the most part the only time we "miss" dinner at the table is if Paul and I have a date night. The best part of this is that even when Paul is working nights I make a point to sit down with E and have dinner at the table...usually with my parents on FaceTime. Ellerie is used to the routine and climbs up into her high chair when I tell her it's dinner time. She has also learned to clasp her hands under her chin so we can say the before dinner prayer. I melt every time.
So far so good on the date nights. I'm not really picky that it's one a month, just that we get out and enjoy a slow dinner at a place that isn't kiddo friendly. Our most recent date night was one of our best EVER conversation wise and took us to Starlight. It was great food, fun cocktail list and looked like it was straight out of Palm Springs (a HUGE win in our book).
Stepwise, I'm doing alright. I got sick in early March and that threw me off, but I'm working on getting it back. Podcasts are my best friends when it comes to marching around the house at 9PM to get those last 1500 steps. Read more about the fitbit I use here.
Overall...good stuff. Goals! Thanks for keeping me moving/learning/working/growing. I owe you one.