trying to figure out what my next craft project is going to be.
working on getting up the energy to finish a quilt I started last spring.
eating egg salad. ('tis the season, I guess?) We really need to dye eggs next week.
listening to the 99% Invisible podcast. I explained to Paul that it's short episodes about stuff you use/see all the time but don't think about. I'm learning so much!
heading out to Craftcation at the end of the week! Excited to sit on a few panels about business + parenthood, podcasting and confessions of an entrepreneur. Planning to write here too about all that I share and learn.
adding a bunch of new books to my library queue after seeing this great list of recs.
pulling tiny hairs up into a ponytail because 21 months (!!) seems like a good time to try one out.
preparing for the GTWB pre-order. If you're thinking "ELISE! This is taking for-ev-er. Just launch already!" then you are about half as ready and anxious as I am. ;) I cannot wait either and it's driving me insane.
watching a lot of Frozen.
looking forward to a weekend trip to Chicago to see my college girlfriends and then a trip to Hawaii with our families in May. It's our first huge family vacation and we're so excited. We're also stocking up on sunscreen and trying not to think about a long flight and a three hour time change.
loving my spring wardrobe. Easiest one to wear yet.
recovering our coffee table (with just a rug from Ikea, stapled to the underside) after Ellerie crashed head-first into it last week.
enjoying the extra hour of sunlight so much. DAYLIGHT is my love language.
marveling that we're almost one quarter through this year. (And even crazier that a month from TODAY Paul and I will have been married for five years. It feels like just yesterday that I had a fridge full of orange roses.)