For the month of May, I participated in "Me Made May" a DIY clothing challenge hosted by Zoe. (You can read more about this challenge and FAQs here.) I had followed along with this challenge on Instagram in 2016 and 2017 but this was the first year I felt like I was ready to jump in. People approach this month in different ways - some wear all handmade, some focus on making more handmade, some try to create entirely new outfits each day. My goal was to just wear at least one thing I had made (sewed or knit) each day and I wasn't worried about repeats.
I learned some good stuff from this challenge. Let's break it down:
ONE: Taking outfit photos is awkward! There are many reasons I am not a fashion blogger but this is at the top. HOWEVER! Taking photos is SO HELPFUL in actually seeing your garments, figuring out what you like to wear and finding patterns within your wardrobe. I love that I have this catalog of outfits and am already excited to compare my 2019 outfits when I do this challenge next year.
TWO: I have a set style and I am comfortable with it. It has taken me four years of actively working on this to get to a place where I love everything in my closet and drawers. I have had a lot of false starts in finding my style but my focus (finally) is on a small color palette made from natural fabrics that are easy to wear and easy to care for. Blue, gray, tan, white, black, olive green and a touch of light pink/purple. That's it.
THREE: I enjoy getting dressed. This challenge reminded me of that. I work from home and so it's easy to stay in leggings from pilates all day but I don't want to do that. I feel better and more creative when I take the two minutes to put on an outfit.
FOUR: I really don't need any clothing. Assuming I don't change shape too much, I don't think I would ever have to buy clothing again except for new bras and underwear. (Yes, I know I could make them...maybe someday). I feel like my wardrobe could be complete. But, I will continue to make clothing because I enjoy the process SO much and yes, it's fun to have new things (as long as the are things that will truly get worn!!). My focus will continue to be on "what will I actually wear?" instead of "what would be fun to make?"
If you're into stats here is how this broke down:
I wore 7 pairs of shoes in May (two are not pictured - rainbow sandals and a pair of heels for date night). All of them are a shade of tan.
I wore 16 store-bought pieces. Eight bottoms (four jeans, two shorts, one pair of black denim and one green pair of pants). Eight tops (four t-shirts, one sweatshirt, one cardigan, one denim vest and one jacket.
I wore 19 made by me pieces that came from 10 total patterns (linked below). Two bottoms, three hand-knits and 14 sewn tops and dresses.
In total, my May wardrobe had 42 pieces + workout clothes, pjs and undergarments.
For the past two years (since reading Overdressed) I have been committed to making slow(er) fashion choices. Learning to make (and love!) my own clothing is a hobby that has brought me SO MUCH JOY. The month of May was a good way to celebrate that.
Here are links to all the patterns I am wearing above. For some of the pieces I hacked the patterns (to create dresses or different looking versions).