photo by Tara Whitney
My name is Elise. I live in San Diego, California with my husband Paul and baby girl, Ellerie. We just purchased our first house, a single story, light-filled space built in 1961.
I have been blogging since Christmas day 2005. And I started a blog for the same reason everyone does... I thought I had something interesting to say. Over seven years later and I am still typing away. For better or worse, this makes blogging my longest running hobby ever. And it's the one I would most like to keep.
When I started this blog, I was a single girl in the middle of her junior year of college at USC. I was a business major and surrounded by a gaggle of great girlfriends. Today, my business major has come in handy and my girlfriends still surround me. Only now it's through email and sadly, we don't still live in a big sorority house.
After I graduated college I followed my heart to the east coast and moved in with my then boyfriend, Paul. It was the best decision I ever made. We lived together for a year and a half and then, in our kitchen, while wearing pjs and making dinner, Paul asked me to marry him.
We were married in April 2010. I would not change one thing about our wedding day. You can read all about how I DIYed it up here.
Amidst the falling in love, deciding to make a lasting commitment bits and cross-country military moves (Paul is a doctor in the US Navy) I kept blogging. And kept crafting. Soon my blog and my shop became a business that allowed me to forsake all other day jobs (and there were a lot before I found the right fit) and just do this (you can read more about my business story here).
Right now my biggest project is called MAKE29 and you can read more about that here. I am currently working on a day planner + goal setting workbook that should be available in Summer 2015.
Over the years, I have talked a lot about blogging and running a small business, but here are a few posts that really cover it.
- on self-employment
- on motivation
- Q & A on the shop and small business
- elise talks college
- the difference between goals and to-do list items
- taking blogging and creative work seriously
- how I develop blog content
- how I go from idea to reality
I could not be happier about what I get to do for a job.
The one piece of information that I would want a reader of this blog to take away is everything is what you make of it. Have a goal? Write it down. Then set a plan and make it happen.
Thank you for visiting this space. I spend an awkward amount of time with it and it makes my day that you come read what I write.
With so much love, elise
p.s. got a question? check here.