We are so thrilled to be expecting our second child!
Yep! Ellerie will become a big sister in early November. We've had a long time to adjust to this news and it still feels a completely unreal. I found out the day before my 30th birthday, just five days after I turned to Paul one late afternoon at the park and said "you know what? This parenthood gig feels easy right now." If that's not hilarious, I am not sure what is.
I felt sick and exhausted for about two weeks (same exact experience as with Ellerie) but seem back to normal-ish now and am so looking forward to the next 28 weeks. I can already tell this time around will race by compared to waiting for number one. That's exciting and terrifying.
It's strange for me to think about doing the newborn thing again. On the one hand, I'm like, "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh that was so hard for me." On the other, I'm like, "sweet, another shot at that. PLUS! My husband will not be deployed." (I cannot even imagine having my partner home to go through those first crucial weeks with me. Just typing it makes me cry.)
And on the third hand (yes, the rumors are true, you DO indeed grow a third hand when you get pregnant with your second child) I'm like, "I GET IT. I get that it's all temporary now." In newborn land (at least the one I occupied), hours last days and days last years. I fully thought I would be living in The Woods for the rest of my life. But, thankfully, we don't live in the woods. We live here and HERE is so great. Plus! Those sweet newborn moments. Cannot wait to soak them up and give us all a bit more grace the second time around.
So yes. Many emotions. But the most overwhelming one right now is LOVE. I love my little family and I love that we are growing this year. This is good. Hang in there, sweet baby Cripe. We are so excited to meet you.
ps: both Paul and I agreed it was super tacky to add this here but we also agreed that if I didn't say something it would probably come up so...of course there will still be a Get To Work Book 2016. Of course it will still ship on time. There are plans upon plans in place to make sure my family can get a baby here and my business can get a planner out into the world in the same season. :)